Senin, 29 September 2008

Sering Kencing Kuatir Kencing Manis.

Ada seorang lelaki yang mengeluh sering kencing, ia sering menceritakan keluhan ini kepada kawannya dan menurut pengalaman kawannya ia kemungkinan kena kencing manis. Sehingga ia tidak memakan makanan yang manis termasuk buah-buahan yang terasa manis. Apakah sering kencing pasti kencing manis ?.

Untuk memastikan kencing manis atau Diabetes Mellitus yaitu dengan adanya gejala kencing manis yang meliputi sering kencing, banyak minum, banyak makan, dan diikuti dengan berat badan menurun serta pada pemeriksaan gula darah sewaktu / tanpa puasa adalah > 200 mg% atau bisa juga dengan timbulnya gejala seperti gatal-gatal, kesemutan, mata kabur, luka sulit sembuh, badan rasa lesu tetapi disertai dengan pemeriksaan gula darah puasa > 126 mg% dan pemeriksaan gula darah 2 jam sesudah makan > 200 mg%.

Misalnya lelaki ini setelah dicek kadar gulanya masih dalam batas normal, berarti ada penyebab lain yang membuatnya sering kencing, kemungkinan penyebab lain yang paling sering adalah infeksi saluran kencing, bisa juga terjadi gangguan hormon diuretik atau disebut sebagai Diabetes Incipidus, dan penyebab lainnya adalah otot-otot penyangga kandung kencing yang sudah mulai melemah.

Bila setelah dicek gula darah puasanya ternyata hasilnya 220 mg %, kemungkinan besar lelaki ini sudah terkena kencing manis. Terus bagaimana pengobatannya ?

Pengobatan kencing manis cukup komplek karena meliputi perencanaan makan, olah raga teratur, dan berobat secara teratur.
Pada orang yang fungsi kelenjar pankreasnya masih baik atau hanya mengalami gangguan ringan saja, bisa saja hanya melakukan pengobatan dengan diit ketat saja, tetapi ini harus diikuti dengan pemeriksaan gula darah rutin untuk memonitoringnya. Karena bila diit ini lengah sedikit saja gula darah bisa naik lagi.

Untuk memonitor kadar gula darah yang paling baik yaitu dengan pemeriksaan HbA1c setiap 3 bulan sekali, karena tingkat keakuratannya yang tinggi. Mengenai buah yang boleh dimakan adalah buah yang tidak terlalu manis seperti pepaya, tomat, melon, buah per, salak, semangka, pisang dan sebagainya.

Jumat, 26 September 2008

Best Treatment For Acne.

Acne will become an important problem for now and in the future, because acne many appears in face, and face be a principal of the appearance. If we meet somebody, off course what we seen first time is face. What happened if our face is fulfilled by acne. Someone that see our face would feel afraid or horrible and so do one who have acne, he must feel unconvinced himself.

On the contrary, when does our face clear from acne and the skin seen whiter and clean, someone who look our face certainly feel glad. Acne become a problem especially in adolescent age and middle age. And in many cases there are no cause surely. Therefore acne was became an important problem especially for them that care with appearance. But don't be afraid with Acne Complex, because there are a lot of good therapy and proved.

One of the best therapy is Murad Acne that developed by famous dermatologist doctor Howard Murad. In here you can get a product package for acne therapy to various skin type and to various age with achievable price. You can see several testimony from some people who wear it, it is real and the result proved. You must know that this product doesn't sell in store.

Selasa, 23 September 2008

Surgery For Mitral Valve Regurgitation.

I have friend which often complain his breath feel so short. This is feel for 2 years ago. I suggest him to go to cardiologist to check the complaint. And after he goes to cardiologist, he was diagnosed suffer Mitral Valve Regurgitation and suggested to do Mitral Valve Surgery. But he is afraid with surgery. I help him to believe so he will do the surgery.

What is Mitral Valve Regurgitation ?.
Mitral valve is apart of heart.There are 4 room in heart, that is 2 atrium and 2 ventricle separated into left side and right side. There are Tricuspid Valve between atrium and ventricle right, while in left side atrium and ventricle right separated by Mitral Valve.

Left side of heart get blood that come from lung, and this blood step into left atrium and next this blood come to left ventricle pass by Mitral Valve. From left ventricle blood will be pumped in to entire body and pass by Aortic Valve. In Mitral Valve Regurgitation, Mitral Valve will not close finely so blood that should be from left atrium to left ventricle will flow back and return to lung. This condition will make heart muscle become weak later and finally will happen Congestive Heart Failure . Before heart become like that, very suggested to do Mitral Valve Repair with do the surgery.

Sabtu, 20 September 2008

Very Risky Defibrillator Leads.

Heart is an organ that regulate blood stream to our entire bodies.There are important substances in blood which needed by entire body organ. In this group heart functioned as a pump which pumping blood to all organ in our body. If heart experience an abnormal rhythm, it will influence blood distribution to our organ. There is a tool used to help heart in that case. This tool called Defibrillator Leads. And used to help regulate heart rhythm. But this tool obvious can broken and cause serious disturbance even can cause death. So this tools also assumed a Defective Defibrillator Leads.

Now this tools have been pulled from the market, although there are some patient wear it.If you and your family wear it, can contact Medtronic Recall Lawyer, to know your rights and get explanation about this case.

Therefore take care your heart and be healthy, avoid eat food that contain high cholesterol and let's sport every day so that can make your heart have better function until you are old. Don't wait until your heart have some disturbance and need a tool like it for help . While this product is human product and nothing perfect with it and finally your own life is threatened and you must also take time overcome Defibrillator Leads Lawsuit.

Kamis, 18 September 2008

Medicines For Erectile Dysfunction.

In that time, will appear a lot of disturbance in our health, even less when we do not watch over it . Especially for men that have bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol. One of the disturbance is erectile dysfunction or often called" impotence". This disturbance is very torture once and still to be a nightmare for a man that experience it. This disturbance often makes the sufferer feel decrease his confidence frequently and influenced their jobs.

Many erectile dysfunction sufferer let this problem cause have many business, and makes confused their household and finally divorced by his wife.

Now, there are some medicine that can help sufferer of that disease and this medicine had recommended by doctor. One of them is viagra, you can buy viagra online. Or if you want to buy rather cheap, can choose generic viagra for this disease.

Attention for high blood pressure sufferer, and drink medicine for their high blood pressure especially nitrate group and alpha blocker group, please don't drink this medicine concurrent with that high blood pressure medicine group ( nitrate group and alpha blocker group ). Why ? because can cause blood pressure suddenly go down. Other medicine that can be used for erectile dysfunction is cialis, and you can buy cialis online also. Finally, if you have time, you can consult with your doctor about this medicine.

Minggu, 14 September 2008

Bulu Ketiak Dan Kaki Yang Mengganggu.

Setiap bagian tubuh kita normalnya selalu ditumbuhi bulu-bulu yang berbeda beda pada setiap orang, ada yang lebat alias tebal, ada yang sangat tipis, sampai hampir tidak terlihat, yang sering dipersoalkan adalah pada gadis/wanita yang mempunyai bulu kaki dan tangan serta bulu ketiak tebal atau lebat, sehingga susah dihilangkan dan merasa terganggu dengan bulu ini. Sedangkan pada pria/laki-laki tentunya bulu ini tidak menjadi persoalan.

Ada banyak cara untuk menghilangkannya termasuk cara tradisional yaitu dengan memakai merica dan kapur barus yang ditumbuk dicampur dengan minyak tanah, tetapi dengan cara ini bisa dipastikan bulu akan tumbuh lagi seperti semula. Bagaimana supaya tidak tumbuh lagi ?

Sebenarnya kenapa kok bisa berbeda pada setiap orang tebal tipisnya bulu itu, itu semua wajar karena pertumbuhan bulu itu dipengaruhi oleh hormon Testosteron dan pada wanita umumnya hormon itu selalu rendah.

Rambut atau bulu itu ibarat seperti tumbuhan yang mempunyai akar, jadi sebelum akarnya dicabut atau dirusak dia akan tumbuh lagi, jadi kalau cuma bulu dihilangkan pada sebatas permukaan saja tanpa merusak akarnya (seperti dengan pengobatan tradisional tadi) akan tetap tumbuh lagi.

Untuk menghilangkan bulu secara permanen maka rambut atau bulu harus dirusak sampai akarnya, sehingga sel-sel rambut itu juga akan rusak dan diharapkan tidak tumbuh kembali lagi. Caranya bisa dengan Elektrolisis atau dengan laser. Tetapi akhir-akhir ini terapi dengan laser ini hasilnya agak kurang menyakinkan karena tidak semua laser bisa menghilangkan rambut / bulu secara permanen, yang sering terjadi adalah laser itu hanya bisa memperlambat masa pertumbuhan rambut saja. Untuk mengetahui secara lebih mendetail tentang pengobatan dengan laser ini, saya sarankan unutk berkonsultasi dengan dokter spesialis kulit dan kelamin.

Sabtu, 13 September 2008

Complete Online Shop.

Each time when I am online, almost eighty percent I always visit to online shop ( a website that sell assorted goods ), and buy something there without I go out from house. Until now there are a lot of website that sell goods like that, but I look for the best and complete online shop, one of them is Shopwiki. In here we can look for assorted product. Category that very interesting for me is Vitamins, there are some item found at this category, for example prenatal vitamins, skin vitamins, multi vitamins, antioxidants, sports nutrition, till nutrition bars exist here.

For you that have priority in Health and Beauty, also can look for products in here, start from body detox till massager tool found in here. I think, the most searched product is Weight Loss Product. There are assorted product like that in here, for example appetite supressants, fat burners, fat blockers, fat loss stacks, water loss and many more product.

Other category that interesting enough is food supplement, many kind of food supplement found here, start from liver supplement, supplement for allergy, beauty supplement, supplement for increase immune, anti aging supplement, till supplement for kidney exist here, so if you are online and need something to buy don't forget to visit here.

Jumat, 12 September 2008

Best Present For Our Beloved Father.

I love my parents so much. Some years ago my mother died caused by diabetes. And now my father is living alone at home. I work in another town with my wife family. Also with my brother and sister, they were living with their couple and stay in their each house. So my father is living alone at home now. My father is a mobile man. He can not quiet. So he must have an activity, although he is very old. I and my brother always thinks about it. How if something happen with him ? while I live far in another town and also with my brother and sister, they are very busy with their business. I can not calm, I am always thinks how if my father fall down, and need an emergency help while he is alone at home. Finally someone tell me about Medical Alarm.

Medical alarm is very help once, especially when does my father fallen down insides house and there is nobody around there know it. With wear this tool, when he fallen down, this tool can detect it and can report it. And the most practical of it, He never need to push any button. Now I and brother can take time, cause when does my father fallen down I can detect it , and can help him immediately .

I also give him another Medical Alarm that very useful. That is a bracelet that functioned to detect my father place presents. So while he go anywhere, I can detect the place. This tool can use also for call like a cell phones and can inform if something happen. Now I am not afraid about my father, wherever he goes and whatever he doing, we can be attention him.

Kamis, 04 September 2008

Better Place For Men's Health And Fitness.

As a man, must have a great body to work well and delay to challenge. In the present day, there are a lot of activity that seize time, so that many people especially man doesn't pay attention for their health, till arise many problems later. Health problem which was often faced is Erectile Dysfunction. This problem become very very important because concerns self belief. But don't be affraid of this problem, because there are a solution, the solution is Cialis. This is a medicine for treat erectile dysfunction and recommended by doctor. If you have that problem, you can get it in Men Sexual Health, a center for best product for Men health.

Other best product which in here is product to overcome hair baldness, don't let your hair attenuates, because it will destroy your appearance, but take care of your hair cause hair are crown of face, if you have this problem, be soon check and get a product for overcome baldness or hair loss, and don't forget go in Men Health Product.

Also for a man who want to desist smoke, and feel hard to do it, don't be affraid, there are solution in Men's Health Supplement, and stop smoking now. There are many losses of smoke, one of them is lung cancer, and the most dangerous is can harm others people around him.

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